- X-ray windows (berllium
transmits X-rays 17 times better than aluminium
- as a 2% alloy with nickel for
springs, electrodes and nonsparking tools
- berllium (2%) alloyed with
copper gives a hard strong alloy with high resistance to wear used in
gyroscopes, computer parts, and instruments (desirable lightness,
- alloys are used as a structural
material for high performance aircraft, missiles, spacecraft (such as the
USA space shuttle), and communication satellites.
- ceramics
- as a moderator in nuclear
reactions since it is a highly effective moderator and reflector for
- the oxide is used in the
nuclear industry
- used in flares and
pyrotechnics, including incendiary bombs. It was used in flash
- it is lighter than aluminium,
and is used in alloys used for aircraft, car engine casings, and missile
- it is used a reducing agent for
the production of uranium and other metals from their salts
- the hydroxide (milk of
magnesia), chloride, sulphate (Epsom salts), and the citrate are used in
- magnesium oxide is refractory
and used as bricks and liners in furnaces
- used to make organomagnesium
compounds (Grignard reagents), useful in organic synthesis
- used in computers for
radio-frequency shielding
- reducing agent for the
preparation of metals such as thorium, uranium, zirconium, etc.
- deoxidiser, desulphurizer, or
decarbonizer for various alloys
- alloys of calcium with agent
for aluminium, beryllium, copper, lead, and magnesium have some useful
- "getter" for residual
gases in vacuum tubes, etc.
- quicklime (CaO) is made by
heating limestone (CaCO3) and changes into slaked lime, Ca(OH)2,
on the addition of water. It is a cheap base for the chemical industry
with many uses.
- calcium from limestone is a
component of Portland cement. Mixed with sand it hardens as mortar and
plaster while taking up carbon dioxide from the air
- the solubility of the carbonate
in water containing carbon dioxide results in stalactites and stalagmites
(Cheddar Gorge) and hardness in water.
- fireworks (red flame), flares
- 90Sr is a radioactive isotope produced by nuclear
fallout. 90Sr has the potential for use as lightweight nuclear
producing electricity
- used to produce glass for
colour television tubes
- refining zinc
- optical materials
- the sulphate, as permanent
white or blanc fixe, is used in paint, in X-ray diagnostic work (BaSO4)
- glassmaking
- barite is extensively used as a
weighting agent in oil well drilling fluids, and in making rubber
- the carbonate is a rat poison
- the nitrate and chlorate give
green colours (CARE!) in pyrotechnics
- sulphide is a white pigment
- making rubber
- rat poison
- self-luminous paints
- neutron sources
- medical uses for the treatment
of conditions such as cancer (now being replaced by 60Co
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